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#1306 | Elo:
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Head-to-Head statistics for KS ROW 1964 Rybnik versus KF Teuta Durrës before 2010/11/06

No data available.

Historical and season performance for KS ROW 1964 Rybnik and KF Teuta Durrës

KS ROW 1964 RybnikKF Teuta DurrësHistorical performance of KS ROW 1964 Rybnik compared to KF Teuta Durrës up to and including the 2010-2011 season

Jul 2010Sep 2010Nov 2010Jan 2011Mar 2011May 2011Jul 201112001300140015001600
KS ROW 1964 RybnikKF Teuta DurrësPerformance of KS ROW 1964 Rybnik compared to KF Teuta Durrës in 2010-2011 before 2010/11/06

KS ROW 1964 Rybnik versus KF Teuta Durrës: all previous games

No data available.

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