#129 | Elo: 1846
#376 | Elo: 1653
Probabilities (Home/Draw/Away): 68% | 19% | 13%
Points exchanged: /

Goal difference estimate based on historical outcomes

  • Between Sassuolo Calcio and Palermo FC there is a total rating difference of 293 (= 1846 + 100 (homebonus) - 1653).
  • This prediction is based on 1089 historical games with the same rating constellation.
  • Note: The smaller the sample size, the more likely the distribution of historical outcomes will deviate from the theoretical probabilities quoted above.

Head-to-Head statistics for Sassuolo Calcio versus Palermo FC before 2024/12/21

No data available.

Historical and season performance for Sassuolo Calcio and Palermo FC

Sassuolo Calcio versus Palermo FC: all previous games

No data available.

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