St. Johnstone FC | Elo: 1719 (+/- this season: +106) | #231 (out of 745) | in Scotland: #4 (out of 20)

All-Time High: 1795
1999/03/06, FA Cup Scotland
away vs. Motherwell FC: 2-0
Debut Rating: 1379
1960/08/24, Premiership (promoted for Arbroath FC / Stirling Albion FC)
away vs. Heart of Midlothian: 1-3

Cumulative statistics for St. Johnstone FC up to and including the 1970-1971 season

Season High: 1724
1971/04/17, Premiership
away vs. Rangers FC: 2-0
All-Time High: 1724 (including 1970-1971)
1971/04/17, Premiership
away vs. Rangers FC: 2-0