Brøndby IF | Elo: 1847 (+/- this season: +111) | #138 (out of 1904) | in Denmark: #4 (out of 45)

All-Time High: 1939
2018/05/10, Denmark Cup
neutral vs. Silkeborg IF: 3-1
Debut Rating: 1353
1982/03/28, Superligaen (promoted for Aalborg BK / BK Frem København / FC Amager)
home vs. B 1909 Odense: 7-1

Cumulative statistics for Brøndby IF up to and including the 2023-2024 season

Season High: 1865
2024/04/28, Superligaen
away vs. FC Nordsjælland: 1-1
All-Time High: 1939 (including 2023-2024)
2018/05/10, Denmark Cup
neutral vs. Silkeborg IF: 3-1