Eintracht Braunschweig | Elo: 1631 (+/- this season: +56) | #399 (out of 1219) | in Germany: #35 (out of 92)

All-Time High: 2033
1976/09/24, Bundesliga
away vs. Hamburger SV: 2-0
Debut Rating: 1700
1955/08/28, Deutsche Meisterschaft (inaugural member)
home vs. Holstein Kiel: 0-3

Cumulative statistics for Eintracht Braunschweig up to and including the 2004-2005 season

Season High: 1655
2004/12/07, Regionalliga (3rd level)
away vs. Borussia Dortmund II: 2-0
All-Time High: 2033 (including 2004-2005)
1976/09/24, Bundesliga
away vs. Hamburger SV: 2-0